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Super high quality discus fish from Tony Tan:
Discusfood producten:

Discus protector voor 10 liter €20,-
Discus protector voor 30 liter €30,-

Amazone tonic a 500ml € 17,50
Anit tox a 500ml € 17,50
Organic clear a 500ml € 17,50
Royal catappa a 500ml € 17,50
Natural humin a 500ml € 17,50

Granulate day by day a 230 gram € 13,95
Soft Granulate BeefHart a 230 gram € 18,50
Soft Granulate TurkeyHart a 230 gram € 18,50
Granulate Grand Champion a 230 gram € 17,95
Soft Granulate PlecoSpecial a 230 gram € 18,95
Soft Granulate Breeder starter food 2 a 500gr € 25,95

Carniwafers Pleco and Catsfisch a 150 gram € 13,95
AlgeaWafers Pleco and catsfisch a 150 gram € 13,95

Betta special all collors soft a 50 gram € 6,-

Ceramische spons filter BIO a 350 Ltr € 24,50

Discus Minerals 300 gr € 17,95
Discus Minerals 1000 gr € 46,95
Fresh Frozen Fish food

Premium qualiteit; 500 gram
Artemia €8,-
Myssis €8,-
Gehakte Mossel €8,-
Discus knoflook €8,-
Discus Special €8,-
Runderhart €8,-
Dicsus world basic vis mix €8,-
Dicsus world basic red vis mix €8,-
Zwarte mug €8,-
Witte mug €8,-
Discus energie kalkoenhart/runderhart € 10,-
Rode mug € 10,-
Krill Pacifica € 10,-
Krill SuperBA € 10,-
Discus Juvenile € 10,-

Medicatie Manaus

Bilocil tegen wormen a 100ml € 27,95
Octocil tegen darmflagulaten a 100ml € 27,95
Trichasal tegen Schimmels en Bacterien a 100ml € 20,90
Pak Watten 500gr wit € 10,-